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LGVAR Examples

The following example, with a blank keyed in, lists only variables with no JOB assigned.


The following example works the same for online or batch.


The following example lists only variables with a JOB assigned.


The following example lists only variables with a SYS assigned.


The following example lists only variables with no SYS (8 blanks).

LGVAR,SYS=        ,NAME=*

The following example lists all variables with no SCHID number assigned.



LGVAR,NAME=RBJB0#* *** Global JCL Variables *** Assigned Prefix is &: PAGE 0001 Variable / Substitution Value Job System Schid / Val_Len RBJB0# CA75V?0? 301 JOB?BAD31 09 RBJB0# CA75V?0? JOB?BAD 07 RBJB0# CA7?V?0? 001 JOB?1 05 RBJB0# CA7?V?0? 301 JOB?31 06 RBJB0# CA7?V?0? JOB? 04 SLIX-00 REQUEST COMPLETED AT 10:09:57 ON yy.ddd

This panel contains the following fields:

Assigned Prefix is

Identifies the one- to four-character global variable prefix.


Identifies the global variable name.


Identifies the job name or mask associated with the global variable name.


Identifies the system name or mask associated with the global variable name.


Identifies the schedule ID associated with the global variable name.

Substitution Value

Identifies the value to be substituted for the global variable name, job name, system name, schedule ID combination.


Identifies the length of the substitution value.


LGVAR,NAME=RBJB0#*,LIST=ALL *** Global JCL Variables *** Assigned Prefix is &: PAGE 0001 Variable / Substitution Value Job System Schid / Len DateTime/User RBJB0# CA75V?0? 301 06/13/yy 16:07 JOB?BAD31 09 CA7USER RBJB0# CA75V?0? 06/13/yy 16:08 JOB?BAD 07 CA7USER RBJB0# CA7?V?0? 001 06/13/yy 17:12 JOB?1 05 CA7USER RBJB0# CA7?V?0? 301 06/14/yy 09:21 JOB?31 06 CA7MNGR RBJB0# CA7?V?0? 06/13/yy 16:09 JOB? 04 CA7USER SLIX-00 REQUEST COMPLETED AT 10:11:38 ON yy.ddd

This panel contains the same fields as the previous panel with the following additions.


Identifies the length of the substitution value. Same as the Val_Len field in the previous panel.


Identifies the date and time the global variable was last modified.


Identifies the user ID who last modified the global variable.