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FRQJOB Command

The FRQJOB command is useful to answer the question, "How does this job get into the system today?" The command presents a reverse job flow (reverse trigger flow) based on information in the database. The command also examines the status queues (request, ready, and active) for the presence of each job in the structure as it is being built.

The purpose is to identify how the target job is brought into the active scheduling system taking into account jobs that are already in the queues. The process tracks backward through triggers from the target job to one or more header jobs. A header job is defined as one of the following types:

The difference between the FRQJOB command and FRJOB is that a check is made in the status queues for each job present in the structure. If it is found in one of the queues, that job is considered a header job even though it may have been triggered by something else. This process identifies the shortest possible control path that results in the execution of the target job.

This command has the following format:


Defines the specific jobs from which the reverse flows are started. The value can be one specific job name, or a substring of 1 to 10 specific job names. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.


Defines the specific jobs from which the reverse flows are started. The value can only be one specific long job name. JOB and JOBL are mutually exclusive.


(Optional) Defines the schedule ID of the starting jobs (JOB=) used to start the reverse flow. It can be a value from 0 through 999. The default is 0, which means the next level contains elements that can cause ANY schedule ID of the starting job to be triggered/scheduled.


(Optional) Specifies the option of listing the entire structure or the first and last jobs.


Specifies to list the entire structure. ALL is the default.


Specifies to list that only those elements that are identified as headers and the starting job.


Specifies to list only the first and last elements.

More information:

Common Forecast Parameter Descriptions