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QM.7-X Output Networks (1-Up Display)

The following panel is displayed if a 1-up display was requested on QM.7 panel. (A 2-up display, QM.7-S Output Networks (2-Up Display), is also available.)

Function values can be mixed on the same panel. For example, after the panel is first displayed; you can enter function values in the blank field that precedes each line on the panel, to log in to one entry, log out another, and cancel yet another with a single panel command.

After a station has been logged out or canceled, it continues to be displayed until a new display is requested. However, no function value can be input for that entry.

----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - OUTPUT NETWORKS ----------------- POS: FL: INITS: F --REF-- JOBNAME- NETWORK- STATION- SUBID--- DESC---- REMARKS--------------* 0003011 PROGRAM: QM10 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.7-X -- YY.DDD / HH:MM:SS MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:

Once the QM.7 update panel has been displayed, the POS, FL, and INITS fields on the panel can be used to perform certain functions. The use of these fields and their acceptable values are as follows:


This indicates position of the panel. The following are the available values:


No processing - clears panel of input values.


Page forward.


Position to the top of the panel.


Display in 1-up format (one record per line); return from TWO.


Display in 2-up format (two records per line).


Indicates a fill character for processing the records. See the previous discussion of the FILL parameter for allowable options.


This performs the same function as the INITS parameter of the LOGIN and LOGOUT commands. You can enter the initials for the operator processing network records here.


Indicates the function column in which updates are requested. See the FILL WITH values on the QM.7 panel for values allowed here.


Indicates the CA WA CA 7 Edition assigned number for this task.


Indicates one of the following:


Indicates the name of this network in the database.


Indicates the station at which this task is to be performed.


Indicates one of the following:


Indicates the DESC keyword value given when the network was initiated with a DMDNW command.


Indicates any of the following:

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