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QM.1-X Usage Notes

Job names and numbers are listed below their column heading. Up to four columns of up to 18 jobs each can appear on each page. Up to 72 jobs per page can appear. Display sequence and queue values are shown on the right just above a legend of available F column function values.

To perform an update on any of the listed jobs, enter the desired value from the legend in the F column just in front of the job you want to update. Multiple jobs can be selected before pressing Enter. (If a FILL FUNCTION value was entered on the QM.1 panel, that value appears in this column for each entry.)

When requested functions are completed, the panel is returned with a message at the bottom in the MESSAGE area. Functions that were performed without an error show an * in the F field. Functions that encountered errors show ? in the F field. To simplify correction of any errors, both * and ? are ignored for input. Only entries with other F values are processed.

The display continues to reflect the queue status at the time of the initial request. It is not refreshed after each update. After several updates, it may be desirable to repeat the initial QM.1 function.

After an update is made, the scrolling capability is disabled. Repeat the initial QM.1 function to establish the scrolling capability.