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LNODE Examples






LNODE,NODE=XP63N01,LIST=ALL ---------------------- XPJOB NODE TABLE LISTING ----------------------PAGE 0001 XP63N01 State: ONLINE DESC: Unix node #63 Alt1: AL6301 Alt2: AL6302 Last Send Prim: 0000.000 00:00:00 #Jobs: 00000000 Job Waits: N Temp: N Last Send Alt : 0000.000 00:00:00 Last Upd: 2006.240 04:07:40 By MASTER SLI2-00 REQUEST COMPLETED AT 13:51:17 ON yy.ddd

This panel contains the following fields:

Node name

Identifies the name of the node contained in the in-storage table.


Specifies the current state of the displayed node.


Specifies a user-entered description of the displayed node.


Specifies the first alternate node to try if the primary node is unavailable.


Specifies the second alternate node to try if the primary node is unavailable.

Last Send Prim

Specifies the last time data was sent to the primary node.


Specifies the total number of jobs sent to this node since CA WA CA 7 Edition startup.

Job Waits

Specifies whether a job is waiting to be sent to this node.


Specifies whether this node is a temporary node.

Last Send Alt

Specifies the last time data was sent to any of the alternate nodes.

Last Upd

Specifies the date and time of the last update to this node table entry.


Specifies the user ID under which the last update to this node table entry was performed.