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Example: AGFILE Command with TYPE=FILELIST (for job type=AS400_JOB Only)

The AGFILE command displays this panel when entered with TYPE=FILELIST or when a job execution has been selected with a function code of GF from the AGFILE List of Job Executions panel. This panel displays a list of available spool files for a job. This panel applies to jobs with a job type of AS400_JOB only.

Spool files are listed below their column headings. A page can display up to 15 spool files. If the output is more than 15 spool files, use PF7/PF8 to scroll backward and forward through the data. PF3 returns to the Queue Maintenance (QM) menu.

To display one of the available spool files, enter an S in the F column just in front of the spool file that you want to display. Only one spool file is processed. If multiple spool files are selected, only the first is processed. When the selection is processed, the system displays a new panel similar to the previous example, AGFILE Command Without List Option.

--------------------- CA-7 Job FILELIST For Agent ESPAGENT7 ----------- Jobname: USER5OS CA7#: 0066 System: SchId: 0001 Q-DtTm: yy225 1439 Job Type: AS400_JOB Spool Offset: 0 F Fname F-Num Status Siz-Kb Time UserData Q-Name Q-Lib _ QPRINT 1 *READY 16 1439 "" QPRINT QGPL _ QPJOBLOG 2 *READY 24 1439 NOOP QEZJOBLOG QUSRSYS PROGRAM: QM82 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.8.3 -- yy.225 / 14:58:02 MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function type of the output that is displayed.


Specifies the system agent where the job executes.


Specifies the CA 7 job name.


Specifies the CA 7 job number.


Specifies the CA 7 system name.


Specifies the CA 7 schedule ID.


Specifies the CA 7 queue entry date.

Job Type

Specifies the CA 7 agent job type.

Spool Offset

Defines the starting offset for display of output data.


Specifies the function field.


Specifies the spool file name.


Specifies the spool file number.


Specifies the spool file status.


Specifies the spool file size in kilobytes.


Specifies the spool file creation time.


Specifies any user data associated with the spool file.


Specifies the spool file queue name.


Specifies the spool file queue library.