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QJCL Usage Notes

In restart situations, this command can be used to fetch a request or prior-run queue job's JCL into an active area. Temporary changes can be made as necessary to correct the problem that occurred. For assistance in performing any data set cleanup that can be required, see also the QM command.

Note: For more information about overriding JCL, see the JCLOVRD command in this section, and the JCL-OVRD and USE-OVRD-LIB fields on the DB.1 panel in the Database Maintenance Guide. Also see the discussion of the "Edit Facilities" in the Database Maintenance Guide.

JCL saved for jobs in the prior-run queue can also be brought into the active area and, through a series of commands, be saved to a JCL library or stored for jobs in the request queue to be used for the current execution of the job.

This command returns a QM.5 Queued JCL panel.

This command should only be done online.

Parameter statements for cross-platform jobs cannot be retrieved from the prior-run queue using the QJCL command. You can use the JCL command to see the PARM statements associated with a cross-platform job.

More information:

QM Command

QM.5 Queued JCL Panel