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PAnn Usage Notes

If entered with no parameters (for example, /PA01), the character string that is assigned to the key by a previous /PA command is removed. (The assignments in the initialization file are not removed.) /PF99 cancels all /PF and /PA command assignments on that terminal for both PF and PA keys. (The assignments in the initialization file are not removed.)

All /PA command assignments are carried across /LOGOFF and /LOGON command sequences, but not across initializations of CA WA CA 7 Edition. Default values for PA keys, if not overridden during initialization or by a /PA command, are:

PA1 key - /PAGE+1
PA2 key - /PAGE-1

Note: The PA keys are not supported under the CA WA CA 7 Edition TSO-ISPF interface.

You can view assigned values by entering a /DISPLAY,ST=KEY command.