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QM.6-S Input Networks (2-Up Display)

If a 2-up display was requested on the QM.6 panel, a panel similar to the following appears. If more than 17 tasks are listed, tasks 18-34 appear as a second column just to the right of the one shown here.

----------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - INPUT NETWORKS ------------------ POS: FL: INITS: F---REF---SUBID----DESC-----EC 0002001 PAY01 WEEK1 PROGRAM: QM10 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.6-S -- YY.DDD / HH:MM:SS MESSAGE:

This panel contains the following fields:

The F, REF, SUBID, and DESC fields have the same meaning as on the 1-up display.

The EC field provides a 2-digit number corresponding to the REMARKS field on the 1-up display as follows:


INVALID CODE - the F value given is unknown


REF# NOT FOUND - could not locate the REF number requested


ALREADY LOGGED IN - can only log in a task once


NOT IN PROCESS - can only log out an active task


NOT HELD - can only release a 'held' task


NOT PROMPTED - can only respond if the task was prompted


HELD - the task is now in 'hold' status


ALREADY LOGGED OUT - can only log out a task once


ALREADY HELD - can only 'hold' a non-held task


ALREADY ACKNOWLEDGED - can only respond to a prompt once