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QM.1-M CPU Job Requirements

This panel is displayed after you entered your values on the QM.1 panel with DISPLAY RQMTS=YES.

-------------- CA-7 QUEUE MAINTENANCE - CPU JOBS STATUS (RQMTS) -------------- F-JOBNAME---J--I--E--U--N-SHJV F-JOBNAME---J--I--E--U--N-SHJV BDTEST01 . . . . . H XXTEST10 . . 1 . . J JOB: * BDTEST02 1 . 1 2 . XXTEST11 . 1 . . . SEQ: JOBNAME BDTEST03 . 2 . . . V XXTEST12 . . 1 . . QUEUE: REQ BDTEST04 . . . . . *SKL LIST: ALL BDTEST05 . . . . . S BDTEST06 1 . . . . J FUNCTIONS: BDTEST07 . . . . . C=CANCEL BDTEST08 . . . . . S F=RESTART BDTEST09 . . . . . V H=HOLD XXTEST01 1 . . . . J=JCLOVRD XXTEST02 . 3 . 2 . H P=RSVP XXTEST03 . . 1 . . Q=REQUEUE XXTEST04 . 1 . . . R=RELEASE XXTEST05 . . . 1 . J S=SUBTM OFF XXTEST06 1 . . . . U=UPDATE XXTEST07 . 1 . . . S V=VERIFY XXTEST08 2 . . . . X=RQMT POST XXTEST09 . . 1 . . E=EDIT QJCL PROGRAM: QM20 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.1-M -- YY.DDD / HH:MM:SS MESSAGE: ENTER FUNCTION IN 'F' FIELD OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE

This panel contains the following fields:


Indicates the function name.


Indicates the CA 7 job name.


Indicates the number of outstanding job requirements.


Indicates the number of outstanding internal data set requirements.


Indicates the number of outstanding external data set requirements.


Indicates the number of outstanding user requirements.


Indicates the number of outstanding network requirements.


Indicates an outstanding submit time requirement.

Special character settings beginning with an asterisk can appear under the SHJV heading to indicate special situations. These include the following:


Indicates job is in completed status.


Indicates an error occurred attempting to collect the requirement information.


Indicates job not found in requested queue. (This normally happens when you post the last requirement for a job, and it moves from the request to the ready queue.)


Indicates job is in restart status.


Indicates job is in skeleton status.


Indicates an outstanding hold requirement.


Indicates an outstanding JCL override requirement.


Indicates an outstanding verify requirement.


Indicates job name selection criteria.


Indicates display sequence.


Indicates the queue that was searched: request, ready, or active.


Indicates the display selection criteria.


Indicates the possible line functions.