LWLB Panel (Page 1 of 2)
LWLB MOD=UCC7R100 DATE YY.DDD PAGE 0001 **** CURRENT RESOURCES IN USE **** -------INITIATORS-------- ----TAPE DRIVES---- ---CPU UTILIZATION--- TOTAL JOBS SUBMITTED 000 NAME - TAPEDR1 000 UTIL PER JOB 000.000% NAME - TAPEDR2 000 -----------------------------------JOB CLASS---------------------------------- A 000 D 000 G 000 J 000 M 000 P 000 S 000 V 000 Y 000 1 000 4 000 7 000 B 000 E 000 H 000 K 000 N 000 Q 000 T 000 W 000 Z 000 2 000 5 000 8 000 C 000 F 000 I 000 L 000 O 000 R 000 U 000 X 000 0 000 3 000 6 000 9 000
This panel contains the following fields:
Identifies the total number of jobs submitted to JES by CA Workload Automation SE and therefore the number of initiators that should be in use by CA Workload Automation SE submitted jobs.
For each type of tape drive, the sum of the numbers from the DB.1 panel for the jobs that CA Workload Automation SE has submitted to JES.
Identifies the average CPU use of the CA Workload Automation SE submitted jobs.
Identifies the number of jobs submitted by CA Workload Automation SE in each of the 36 job classes as entered on the job definition panel.
LWLB Panel (Page 2 of 2)
LWLB MOD=UCC7R100,LAST CHG-DATE 05/12/09 DATE YY.DDD PAGE 0002 **** AVAILABLE RESOURCES **** -------------INITIATORS------------ ------------CPU TIME----------- TOTAL AVAILABLE 014 IDEAL UTIL PER JOB 010% MIN JOBS MUST EXEC 001 MAX REWARD 100 THRESHOLD PRTY 200 MAX PENALTY 100 ----------------TAPE DRIVES------------ -----------START TIME---------- NAME: TAPEDR1 TAPEDR2 MAX REWARD/PENALTY 100/050 TOT NUMBER AVAILABLE 008 016 MAX HOURS EARLY/LATE 012/012 TOT MAX ALLOWABLE 012 020 RUN TIME FACTOR 010 MAX DTS BOOST 050 030 -------SPECIAL CLS/PRTY-------- MAX REWARD/PENALTY 100/050 060/040 SPECIAL CL #1 CL PRTY 255 MIN/MAX DIFF-TO-SCHED 005/007 004/006 SPECIAL CL #2 CL PRTY 255 MIN/MAX ALLOWABLE/JOB 000/007 000/005 SPECIAL CL #3 CL PRTY 255 -----------------------------------JOB CLASS----------------------------------- A 004 D 005 G 001 J 001 M 001 P 001 S 001 V 001 Y 001 1 000 4 000 7 000 B 004 E 001 H 001 K 001 N 001 Q 001 T 001 W 001 Z 001 2 000 5 000 8 000 C 002 F 001 I 001 L 001 O 001 R 001 U 001 X 001 0 001 3 000 6 000 9 000 SLIT-00 REQUEST COMPLETED AT 09:37:46 on YY.DDD
This panel contains the following fields:
Identifies job totals.
Identifies the maximum number of system initiators that can be scheduled and therefore the number of OS initiators that must be dedicated to CA Workload Automation SE controlled jobs. A value of 255 indicates there is not a limit.
Identifies the number of jobs that must be submitted before workload balancing is in effect.
Identifies the lowest priority job that is submitted when the number of jobs CA Workload Automation SE is running is greater than or equal to the MIN JOBS MUST EXEC number.
Identifies CPU statistics.
Identifies a full percentage of CPU that workload balancing should strive for as an average across all submitted jobs.
Identifies the maximum number of priority points that a job can earn in the ready queue if it is a perfect CPU fit.
Identifies the maximum number of priority points that a job can lose in the ready queue if it is the worst possible CPU fit.
Identifies tape drive statistics.
Identifies the type of tape drive.
Identifies the total number of actual tape drives available to CA Workload Automation SE.
Identifies the maximum number of tape drives that CA Workload Automation SE controlled jobs can use at any point in time.
Identifies the maximum number of priority points to be added to a job's job definition panel priority in the ready queue if you have defined MIN/MAX DIFF-TO-SCHED jobs in terms of tape drive usage.
Identifies the maximum number of priority points that can be earned and the maximum number of priority points that can be lost by a job in the ready queue because it uses tape drives.
Identifies the minimum and maximum number of tape drives that a job must allocate at one time for that job to be considered difficult to schedule.
Identifies the minimum and maximum number of tape drives that a job must allocate at one time to be submitted to run.
Identifies time statistics.
Identifies the maximum number of priority points a job can be awarded/penalized for being late.
Identifies the number of hours early over which the maximum penalty/award is given.
Identifies a buffer (stated as a percentage) where a job is neither early or late.
Identifies special class values.
For each of 36 possible scheduling job classes, the maximum number of jobs of that class that CA Workload Automation SE can run concurrently. A value of 255 indicates there is not a limit.
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