Previous Topic: Example: AGFILE Command with LIST OptionNext Topic: Example: AGFILE Command with TYPE=FILELIST (for job type=AS400_JOB Only)

Example: AGFILE Command Without LIST Option

The AGFILE command displays this panel when entered or defaulted with a LIST=NO option or a job execution has been selected from the AGFILE List of Job Executions panel. The panel displays output data from the selected function.

Job execution data is presented. Up to 15 data lines per page can be presented. If the output is more than 15 lines, use PF7/PF8 to scroll back and forward through the data. PF3 returns to the previous AGFILE selection panel or, if none, to the Queue Maintenance (QM) menu.

When displaying an output file, limits may exist related to the amount of data retrieved and presented at one time. Larger output files are presented in multiple chunks. For these larger files, the Spool Offset field contains the starting offset for the current chunk of data, and the Next Offset field contains the starting offset for the next chunk of data. When you are finished viewing the current chunk of data, you can request the next chunk of data by keying either of the following values into the Spool Offset field:

You can also key any valid numeric offset for the file to start the display at the specified offset.

Note: If the Next Offset field contains EOF, the last chunk of data is already displayed, and keying an N in Spool Offset redisplays the same data.

When displaying output data that does not support data limits, all data is listed, and the Spool Offset and Next Offset fields do not exist.

----------------- CA-7 Job SPOOL For Agent ESPAGENT7 --------- Jobname: CA7I5OS CA7#: 0066 System: SchId: 0001 Q-DtTm: yy225 1439 Job Type: AS400_JOB Start Offset: 0 Next Offset: EOF 5722SS1 V5R4M0 060210 Job Log + USABCD99 08/13/yy 14:39:35 Page 1 Job name . . . . . . . . . . : NOOP User . . . . . . : ESPAG+ ENT Number . . . . . . . . . . . : 254556 Job description . . . . . . : CYBESPJOBS Library . . . . . : ESPAG+ ENT7 MSGID TYPE SEV DATE TIME FROM PGM + LIBRARY INST TO PGM LIBRARY INST CPC1163 Completion 00 08/13/yy 14:39:34.770592 QWTCCRLJ + QSYS 0088 *EXT *N Message . . . . : Job 254556/ESPAGENT/N+ PROGRAM: QM82 MSG-INDX: 00 -- QM.8.2 -- yy.ddd / 14:55:27 MESSAGE: Enter Start Offset or a command on the top line (Use 'PF7/PF8 to scroll thru data' )

This panel contains the following fields:


Specifies the function type of the output that is displayed.


Specifies the system agent where the job executes.


Specifies the CA 7 job name.


Specifies the CA 7 job number.


Specifies the CA 7 system name.


Specifies the CA 7 schedule ID.


Specifies the CA 7 queue entry date.

Job Type

Specifies the CA 7 agent job type.

Spool Offset

Specifies the starting offset for the current display of the output data. This field is not present when displaying output data that does not support data limits.

Next Offset

Specifies the starting offset for the next sequential chunk of this output file. If the last or only chunk of the data is presented, it contains EOF. This field is not present when displaying output data that does not support data limits.

Detail line

Specifies the data from the related output file or CA7AGNT VSAM file.