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/PROFS Usage Notes

The most important thing to remember about dealing with other users' profiles is that your current terminal session definitions affect or are affected by actions regarding others' profiles.

For example, to set up default PA/PF keys for other users, first define them to your current terminal session using the /PA and/or /PF commands. You can then save these definitions into their profile (/PROFS,ID=userid,KEYS=SAVE).

Another way to accomplish this process is to fetch the PA/PF key settings from an existing profile into your current terminal session. Next, then save them into the profile of another user profile. Finally, return to your own profile settings. For example:

/PROFS,ID=USERA,KEYS=PROFILE        Fetch USERA's key settings
/PROFS,ID=USERB,KEYS=SAVE           Save them to USERB's profile
/PROF,KEYS=PROFILE                  Restore your own key settings

Note: The /PROF, /PROFS, /PA, and /PF commands can all be executed in batch using the BTI facility. So you can set up a batch command deck that defines all the PA/PF keys and SAVES them into one or more user profiles. For example:

/LOGON  adminid                      Logon the administrator userid
/PF99                                Delete any current settings
/PF01,MSG=...command....             Defines PF01
/PF02,MSG=...command....             Defines PF02
/PROFS,ID=USER1,KEYS=SAVE,R=resname  Set up defaults for USER1
/PROFS,ID=USER2,KEYS=SAVE,R=resname  Set up defaults for USER2
/PROFS,ID=USER3,KEYS=SAVE,R=resname  Set up defaults for USER3