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RESOLV Usage Notes

Always check the RESOLV output for message SRC1-117 ID MULTIPLE SCHEDULES AT LEAST ONE DAY. This message indicates two or more schedule IDs are scheduled to process on the same day. This message can indicate a scheduling error was made. You need to determine if the job should process multiple times on the same day. If it should, this is an informational message. If not, the schedule should be corrected.

Assume the following:

The calendar is not available because an error occurred while generating it from the perpetual calendar criteria. Use the PRINT command or the LIST function of the CALMOD command to display the specific error.

When the RESOLV command is entered in the FUNCTION field, a resolution is performed for a 12-month period. The current year is divided into 6-month intervals. This means if a RESOLV is entered between January 1 and June 30, the resolution looks at the period January 1 through December 31. If a RESOLV is entered between July 1 and December 31, the resolution attempts to look at July 1 through June 30 of the next year. If next year's base calendar is not defined, you get error message SRC2-02 BASE CALENDAR SCALyyxx NOT FOUND, unless a perpetual calendar is defined for this SCALyyXX. In that case, the calendar is generated from the PCALYYXX member in the perpetual calendar data set. If no perpetual calendar is defined, add subparameter YEAR=yy to the top line RESOLV command already displayed, where yy is the current year.

If JOB=* or NW=NW. is specified, all job or input network schedule definitions are resolved based on the other RESOLV parameters. This command can run for a long time and generate a large amount of output. The long-running RESOLV commands should be issued using the batch terminal interface.