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/OPERIDS Command

The /OPERIDS command displays current internal security definitions for an operator ID other than your own or for all operator IDs. You can also use the /OPERIDS command to display all active users logged on to CA Workload Automation SE.

This command has the following format:

►►─ /OPERIDS ─ ,ID= ─┬─ userid ─┬─────────────────────────────────────────────►◄
                     ├─ ALL ────┤
                     └─ *ACT* ──┘

Specifies the operator ID for which the internal security definitions are to be shown. You can enter one of the following:


Displays the definitions for a single operator ID.


Displays the definitions for all currently defined operator IDs.


Displays all active terminal users logged on to CA Workload Automation SE. Once the trailer terminal has been used after CA Workload Automation SE startup, it always shows active.