The XQ, XQJ, XQN, and XQM commands result in the display of jobs in the request, ready or active queues and allow the status of those jobs to be updated. The CANCEL, HOLD, RELEASE, and REQUEUE command functions, in addition to others, can also be performed on the XQ, XQJ, XQN, and XQM panels with a single function character. It is also possible to transfer from any of these panels to the XRST panel if a job requires a restart. These commands are valid only from online 3270 type terminals. Each command provides a different display sequence as follows:
Lists the jobs in the order in which they occur in the queue.
Lists the jobs in job name sequence.
Lists the jobs in CA Workload Automation SE job number sequence.
Lists the jobs in job name sequence with a requirements summary. (LIST=ANY is the default for XQM. This is different from the other XQ panels where LIST=ALL is the default.)
Some requirements can be satisfied directly on these panels. Control can also be passed to other panels such as XRQ and XUPD, from which control functions can be performed.
This function is available through QM.1 CPU Jobs Status Prompt panel.
This command has the following format:
►►─┬─ XQ ──┬─┬──────────────────┬─┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────► ├─ XQJ ─┤ └─ ,FILL=function ─┘ └─ ,JOB= ─┬─ * ◄ ───────┬─┘ ├─ XQN ─┤ ├─ jobname ───┤ └─ XQM ─┘ ├─ jobnumber ─┤ └─ mask ──────┘ ►─┬─────────────────┬─┬───────────────────┬─┬───────────────────────┬────────► └─ ,LIST=options ─┘ └─ ,Q= ─┬─ REQ ◄ ─┬─┘ └─ ,SEQ= ─┬─ ENTRY ───┬─┘ ├─ RDY ───┤ ├─ NUMBER ──┤ └─ ACT ───┘ └─ JOBNAME ─┘ ►─┬──────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────►◄ └─ ,SYS= ─┬─ * ◄ ────────┬─┘ ├─ systemname ─┤ └─ mask ───────┘
Lists the jobs in the order in which they occur in the queue.
Lists the jobs in job name sequence.
Lists the jobs in CA Workload Automation SE job number sequence.
Lists the jobs in job name sequence with a requirements summary.
(Optional) Identifies the character to be inserted in the function fields when the formatted panel is initially displayed. This option facilitates performing the same function for many jobs. For a discussion of the available values for FILL and how they are used, see the QM.1 CPU Jobs Status Prompt Panel.
(Optional) Indicates the jobs for which information is to be listed from the request, ready, and active queues.
Indicates all jobs. This value is the default.
Indicates a specific job name.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
Indicates a specific CA Workload Automation SE job number or a range of job numbers specified as nnnn-nnnn.
Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters
Specifies all job names matching the mask pattern.
(Optional) Specifies the outstanding requirements selection criteria.
List all jobs regardless of outstanding requirements. This value is the default for XQ, XQJ, and XQN.
List only those jobs with at least one requirement. This value is the default for XQM.
List only those jobs that have internal data set requirements, but no unsatisfied job requirements.
List only those jobs with external data set requirements.
List only those jobs with a hold requirement.
List only those jobs with internal data set requirements.
List only those jobs with a JCL override requirement.
List only those jobs with job requirements.
List only those jobs with network requirements.
List only those jobs in restart status.
List only those jobs in skeleton status.
List only those jobs with submit-time requirements.
List only those jobs with user requirements.
List only those jobs with a verify requirement.
(Optional) Identifies the queue for which jobs are to be listed.
Specifies the request queue. This value is the default.
Specifies the active queue.
Specifies the ready queue.
(Optional) Indicates the sequence that the jobs should be listed in. You can use this option to change the default sequence for the XQM command (default is job name sequence).
Lists jobs in the order in which they occur in the queue.
Lists jobs in job name sequence.
Lists jobs in CA Workload Automation SE job number sequence.
(Optional) Specifies jobs associated to a system should be listed.
Indicates all jobs regardless of system name. This value is the default.
Indicates only list jobs having this system name.
Indicates only list jobs whose system matches the mask pattern entered.
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