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PRSCF Command

The PRSCF command frees a shared, exclusive, or RCT resource connected to a job that:

This command has the following format:

►►─ PRSCF ─ ,JOB= ─┬─ jobname ───┬─ ,RSRC=resource ─┬──────────────┬──────────►◄
                   └─ jobnumber ─┘                  └─ ,FORCE=YES ─┘

Specifies the name or CA Workload Automation SE number of the job to which the resource is attached.


Indicates a specific job name.

Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters


Indicates a specific CA Workload Automation SE job number.

Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters


Specifies the fully qualified resource name to free. You can optionally specify * to indicate all resources connected to the job are to be freed.

Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters


(Optional) FORCE=YES indicates that CA Workload Automation SE is not to evaluate the availability of the named resources for this run of the job only. The named resources are not used by this run of the job. This keyword can be used on an exception basis to let a job in W-RSRC status bypass VRM checking for one or more resources defined for it on the RM.1 panel.