The LLOCK command lists the database elements that are locked. Locked means CA Workload Automation SE has detected some element that is in error or that has not been defined to the CA Workload Automation SE database, and therefore is preventing the processing of a job, network, or data set.
In addition to lock conditions, the list also indicates if scheduling of a job has been intentionally suspended with a DEMAND,SET=SKP or NXTCYC command.
This command has the following format:
►►─ LLOCK ─ , ─┬───────────────────────────┬─┬────────────────┬───────────────► ├─ JOB¹= ─┬─ * ◄ ─────┬─────┤ └─ ,LIST=NXTCYC ─┘ │ ├─ jobname ─┤ │ │ └─ mask ────┘ │ ├─ DSN=NW.networkname ──────┤ └─ DSNBR= ─┬─ xxnnnnnn ───┬─┘ └─ xx00nnnnn* ─┘ ►─┬───────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄ └─ ,SYS=systemname ─┘
JOB, DSN, or DSNBR is required if SYS is omitted.
Defines the jobs that are to be listed. If SYS is used, JOB is optional and if omitted, JOB=* is assumed.
Required: Yes (unless DSN OR DSNBR is specified)
Specifies all jobs are to be considered based on the SYS parameter. This is the default only if SYS= is provided. systemname must be a specific application name; it cannot be generic. This value is the default.
Defines a specific job name.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
Defines a generic job name.
Limits: 1 to 7 alphanumeric characters terminated with an asterisk
Defines a database index entry for networks to be listed. Enter either a specific network or just the three characters NW. to list all networks. DSN is required unless DSNBR, JOB, or SYS is used, in which case it must be omitted.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters following NW. prefix
Required: Yes (unless JOB, SYS, or DSNBR is specified)
Defines a specific or generic CA Workload Automation SE assigned network or schedule number identifying the elements to be listed.
Required: Yes (unless JOB, SYS, or DSN is specified)
Defines a specific network or schedule number where xx is the prefix denoting the type of entry desired, and nnnnnn is the CA Workload Automation SE assigned number (leading zeros can be omitted). Valid prefix values are NW, SI, SJ, or SO.
Defines a generic network or schedule number where xx is the prefix denoting the type of entry desired and nn...* is the generic CA Workload Automation SE assigned number (maximum of seven digits). An asterisk appears after the last significant digit. Do not omit leading zeros from the number value specified. Valid prefix values are NW, SI, SJ, or SO. Use a value of S* to list all SI, SJ, and SO schedules.
(Optional) Specifies that only those schedules modified with a NXTCYC or DEMAND,SET=SKP command are to be listed. NXTCYC is the only valid entry.
(Optional) Specifies an application system name whose locked jobs are to be listed. The value must be the specific application system name as defined for each job on the DB.1 or DB.10 panel. If SYS is used with JOB, the jobs specified must have a system name matching the SYS value to be listed. If SYS is used, DSN and DSNBR must be omitted.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
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