The POST command indicates to the CA Workload Automation SE system that a preexecution requirement for a job in the request queue has been satisfied. Two categories of requirements can be satisfied, internal and external. Internal requirements are known within the CA Workload Automation SE database and controlled by CA Workload Automation SE. An example of an internal requirement would be the completion of another job controlled by CA Workload Automation SE whose completion satisfies a requirement for a dependent job. External requirements are defined in the CA Workload Automation SE database but not controlled by CA Workload Automation SE. External requirements must be satisfied by a manual post unless the requirement is cataloged in the CA Workload Automation SE catalog before the using job is scheduled into the request queue. This function is available through the QM.2 CPU Job Predecessors Prompt panel.
This command has the following format:
►►─ POST ─ ,JOB= ─┬─ jobname ───┬─────────────────────────────────────────────► └─ jobnumber ─┘ ►─ , ─┬─ NW=network ─────────────────────────────────────────┬───────────────►◄ ├─ USR=text ───────────────────────────────────────────┤ ├─ DEPJOB=jobname ─────────────────────────────────────┤ └─ DSN=dataset ─┬────────────────────────────────────┬─┘ └─ , ─┬─ INTERNAL=YES ─────────────┬─┘ │ ┌─ , ───────┐ │ └─ PREQ=( ─▼─ numbers ─┴─ ) ─┘
Indicates the unique CA Workload Automation SE job name in up to eight characters, or the job number in up to four digits, for which requirements are to be posted. If job name is used and multiple jobs with the same name are found in the request queue, the POST is rejected and an error message is issued. The POST command must then be reentered using the CA Workload Automation SE job number.
Indicates a specific job name.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
Indicates a specific CA Workload Automation SE job number.
Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters
(Optional) Identifies an input workstation network requirement to be posted as satisfied. Mutually exclusive with DEPJOB, DSN, and USR. In normal situations, this type of requirement is posted automatically by CA Workload Automation SE when the network is logged complete with a LOGOUT, OUT, or IO command to the last workstation within this input network.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
(Optional) Identifies a user-defined description of a requirement to be posted as satisfied. Mutually exclusive with DEPJOB, DSN, and NW. When used, must match the text used to define the requirement on the DB.6 panel or with the ADDRQ command.
Note: If the user requirement text contains commas, it cannot be satisfied with the POST command. It must be posted online with the QM.2 panel.
Limits: 1 to 36 alphanumeric characters
(Optional) Identifies a predecessor job dependency requirement to be posted as satisfied. Value must be a specific job name. Mutually exclusive with DSN, NW, and USR. In normal situations, this type of requirement is posted automatically by CA Workload Automation SE when the predecessor job completes its execution successfully. Manual posting would only be necessary if a job defined as a requirement was not to be run, or ran unsuccessfully and a successor job is to be run.
The DEPJOB must be posted if it is not currently defined to CA Workload Automation SE (an external job).
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
(Optional) Identifies a data set requirement to be posted as satisfied. Value can be a specific data set name or a CA Workload Automation SE data set number. If using a number, only the number can be specified without the DS prefix. Mutually exclusive with DEPJOB, NW, and USR.
Indicates a specific data set name.
Limits: 1 to 44 alphanumeric characters
Indicates a specific CA Workload Automation SE data set number.
Limits: 1 to 8 numeric characters
(Optional) Valid only in combination with DSN to indicate when the data set being posted is internal to the CA Workload Automation SE workload. YES is the only acceptable value. Mutually exclusive with NW, USR, DEPJOB, and PREQ. In normal situations, requirements for internal data sets are posted automatically by CA Workload Automation SE.
(Optional) Valid only in combination with DSN to identify up to 11 numeric values to be included with other CA Workload Automation SE log data logged as a result of the POST command being issued. Mutually exclusive with NW, USR, DEPJOB, and INTERNAL. Values must be coded in sublist form, within parentheses. Up to 11 values separated by commas can be coded between the parentheses. Each value cannot exceed 4 numeric digits. This optional field can be useful for logging any meaningful numbers, such as batch numbers, and so forth, which can later be reviewed in the log data set.
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