The DEMAND command forces immediate scheduling of a job into the CA Workload Automation SE request queue. Jobs that do not have definable processing cycles can be scheduled in this manner. Demand scheduling can also be used to force early execution of jobs that have defined processing cycles or to schedule jobs for the first time, before they have been defined in the CA Workload Automation SE database.
The DEMANDH command indicates that the demanded job is to be placed on hold in the request queue.
This command has the following format:
►►─┬─ DEMAND ──┬─ ,JOB=jobname ─┬─────────────────────────────┬───────────────► └─ DEMANDH ─┘ └─ ,ARFSET= ─┬─ arfsetname ─┬─┘ └─ **NONE** ───┘ ►─┬────────────┬─┬────────────┬─┬───────────────┬────────────────────────────► └─ ,CC=nnnn ─┘ └─ ,CLASS=x ─┘ └─ ,COUNT=nnnn ─┘ ►─┬──────────────────────┬─┬────────────────────┬─┬──────────────┬───────────► └─ ,DATE= ─┬─ +nn ───┬─┘ └─ ,DEPJOB=jobname2 ─┘ └─ ,DOTM=hhmm ─┘ └─ yyddd ─┘ ►─┬────────────────────┬─┬─────────────┬─┬──────────────────┬────────────────► └─ ,EXEC= ─┬─ NO ──┬─┘ └─ ,FROMNODE ─┘ └─ ,INTERVAL=hhmm ─┘ └─ YES ─┘ ►─┬─────────────────────────────┬─┬────────────────────┬─────────────────────► └─ , ─┬─ JCLID=nnn ─────────┬─┘ └─ ,LATE= ─┬─ NO ──┬─┘ └─ JCLLIB=&x...x ─┘ └─ YES ─┘ ►─┬─────────────────────────┬─┬───────────────────────┬─┬─────────────┬──────► └─ ,LEADTM= ─┬─ 0100 ◄ ─┬─┘ └─ ,MAINID= ─┬─ ALL ──┬─┘ └─ ,PRTY=nnn ─┘ └─ hhmm ───┘ ├─ SYn ──┤ ├─ /SYn ─┤ └─ -SYn ─┘ ►─┬───────────────────┬─┬─────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────► └─ ,RMS= ─┬─ NO ──┬─┘ └─ ,RO= ─┬─ EQ ─┬─┘ └─ YES ─┘ ├─ LT ─┤ ├─ GT ─┤ ├─ GE ─┤ ├─ LE ─┤ ├─ NE ─┤ ├─ #S ─┤ ├─ IG ─┤ └─ 0 ──┘ ►─┬─────────────────────┬─┬───────────────────┬─┬──────────────┬─────────────► └─ ,SCHID= ─┬─ 1 ◄ ─┬─┘ └─ ,SET= ─┬─ NDB ─┬─┘ └─ ,STOP=hhmm ─┘ └─ nnn ─┘ ├─ NTR ─┤ └─ SKP ─┘ ►─┬──────────────────────┬─┬──────────────────────┬──────────────────────────►◄ └─ ,TIME= ─┬─ hhmm ──┬─┘ └─ ,TYPE= ─┬─ CLOCK ─┬─┘ └─ +hhmm ─┘ ├─ END ───┤ ├─ RES ───┤ └─ START ─┘
CC and RO are invalid with agent jobs.
You cannot specify the FROMNODE keyword.
JCLID, JCLLIB, MAINID, and RMS are invalid with internal cross-platform jobs.
Defines the name of the job being demanded. Demanded jobs are placed in the request queue and assigned a unique CA Workload Automation SE job number.
(Optional) Defines the ARF set name used for this run of the job. If you specify **NONE**, no ARF processing is performed for this run of the job.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters or **NONE**
(Optional) Defines, with RO (relational operator), the job-level condition codes used to determine whether a job executes successfully. If specified, this overrides the RO defined for the job in the CA Workload Automation SE database.
Default: The job definition panel COND-CODE value if job defined to CA Workload Automation SE; otherwise 0.
Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 to 4095. Invalid with agent jobs.
(Optional) Defines the workload balancing class for resource checking.
Limits: 1 alphanumeric character
(Optional) Defines the maximum number of times to repeat the job. COUNT is ignored if INTERVAL is not specified. If both COUNT and STOP are specified, the job stops repeating when either the COUNT reaches zero or the STOP time is reached, whichever comes first.
Default: None. The job continues repeating until the STOP time is reached.
Limits: 1 to 4 numeric characters from 0 to 1439. Leading zeros can be discarded.
(Optional) Defines due-out and submit dates.
Limits: If used, specify DOTM or TIME.
Defines the number of days after the current date.
Limits: 1 to 2 numeric characters from 1 to 99
Defines the Julian date to run the job.
(Optional) Defines a single predecessor job that must complete while demanded job is waiting.
Limits: 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters
(Optional) Defines the due-out time-of-day for the job in hours (hh) and minutes (mm). If omitted, the current time (when the DEMAND was processed) plus the lead time is assumed.
If DOTM is specified on the DEMAND/DEMANDH command and the value given is earlier than the current time, the due-out day is assumed to be the following day.
If DOTM and LEADTM are both omitted, then deadline start time is assumed to be the current time plus the LEADTM.
Default: Current time
Limits: hh= 1 to 2 numeric characters from 0 to 24
mm= 2 numeric characters from 00 to 59
Required: No (unless DATE is used, if so, DOTM or TIME must be specified)
(Optional) Specifies whether to execute the job (YES/NO). If NO (N) is used, the job does not run but shows a normal completion as if it did run. The value specified here overrides the value coded on the job definition EXEC field.
Default: The job definition panel EXEC value if job defined to CA Workload Automation SE; otherwise YES.
(Optional) Identifies that the job should be repeated (executed more than once) and defines the amount of time between each iteration. If INTERVAL is specified, the TIME and TYPE keywords are required. If both INTERVAL and COUNT are specified, the INTERVAL value times the COUNT value must total less than 24 hours. For information about how deadline, due-out, and submit times are calculated for repeating jobs, see the Usage Notes.
Default: None. The job is not repeated.
Limits: hh=1 to 2 numeric characters from 0 to 23
mm=2 numeric characters from 00 to 59
(Optional) Defines the JCL data set that contains the execution JCL to be submitted. If used, the value must be a numeric INDEX associated with the wanted JCL data set (on the JCL statement in the initialization file). If the job is defined in the database, the value must be the same as the value on the DB.1 panel or the Optional PARMLIB/Parmlib value on the DB.10 and DB.11 panels. (For more information about the initialization file, see the Systems Programming Guide.) This field or the JCLLIB field is required if the job is not defined in the database. JCLID and JCLLIB are mutually exclusive.
Note: Attempts to run cross-platform jobs that are not defined to the database fail because they are treated as regular CPU jobs when processed.
Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 0 to 254
Required: No, unless job is not defined in database
(Optional) Defines the JCL data set that contains the execution JCL to be submitted. If used, the value must be a symbolic INDEX associated with the wanted JCL data set (on the JCL statement in the initialization file). If the job is defined in the database, the value must be the same as the value on the DB.1 panel or the Optional PARMLIB/Parmlib value on the DB.10 and DB.11 panels. (For more information about the initialization file, see the Systems Programming Guide.) This field or the JCLID field is required if the job is not defined in the database. JCLID and JCLLIB are mutually exclusive.
Note: Attempts to run cross-platform jobs that are not defined to the database fail because they are treated as regular CPU jobs when processed.
Limits: 2 to 16 alphanumeric characters beginning with ampersand (&)
Required: No, unless job is not defined in database
Note: A dynamic allocation failure on a JCL data set specified by JCLLIB causes the job to enter the request queue in SKELETON status.
(Optional) Specifies whether notification should occur if the job becomes late. Specify YES (Y) to make the job eligible to be marked LATE. If NO (N) is used, the job will never be marked LATE. The value specified here overrides the value coded on the job definition PROMPTS field.
(Optional) Defines the amount of elapsed time required to process the job. Indicates in hours (hh) and minutes (mm) the elapsed time. The maximum value you can specify is 2400.
Default: 1 hour
Limits: hh= 1 to 2 numeric characters from 0 to 24
mm= 2 numeric characters from 00 to 59
(Optional) Specifies the MAINID, as defined in the initialization file CPU statement, to which the job is to be redirected. The value specified here overrides the value coded on the job definition MAINID field. Also, the SASSXX05 user exit does not override this value.
The name must be one of the following:
Specifies all CPUs are acceptable for executing the job.
n defines the CPU to which the job is being redirected. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.
n defines a CPU to which the job cannot be submitted. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.
n defines a CPU to which the job cannot be submitted. The value of n can range from 1 to 7.
Invalid for internal cross-platform jobs.
(Optional) Defines the initial workload balancing priority.
Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 1 to 255
(Optional) Specifies whether CA Workload Automation SE inserts the CA WA Restart Option RMS step. Specify YES (Y) to insert the step with the CA WA Restart Option processing code of P. Enter NO (N) to indicate the RMS step is not to be inserted. The value specified here overrides the value coded on the job definition INSERT-RMS field.
Default: The job definition panel INSERT-RMS value if job defined to CA Workload Automation SE; otherwise NO.
Limits: Invalid for internal cross-platform jobs.
Note: For more information, see the Interface Reference Guide.
(Optional) Specifies the relational operator of the condition code (CC) or if the step level #SCC statements are being used in the job's JCL. If specified, this overrides the RO defined for the job in the CA Workload Automation SE database. The following are the possible values:
Equal to
Less than
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than or equal to
Not equal to
Step condition code tests to be made based on #SCC statement.
Note: For more information, see the #SCC statement discusssion in the Database Maintenance Guide.
No evaluation of the job is done. CA Workload Automation SE always assumes the job completes successfully, regardless of condition codes, abend codes, or run-time JCL errors.
No condition code test is to be made.
Default: The job definition panel RO value if job defined to CA Workload Automation SE; otherwise 0
Limits: Invalid with agent jobs.
Defines the schedule ID within the job's total schedule definition to be used for this run. If omitted, SCHID=1 is assumed unless the job exists in the CA Workload Automation SE database and has an associated schedule. In this case, the first SCHID defined in the schedule member is assumed.
Default: 1
Limits: 1 to 3 numeric characters from 1 to 255 (See Note)
Note: If the SCHEDULE statement in the initialization file specifies SCHID=YES, this parameter is required.
(Optional) Specifies whether to skip the next scheduled cycle for the job (SKP), to disable triggering (NTR), or to bypass database updating at job completion.
Specifies this run of the job takes the place of the next scheduled run. This has the same effect as entering NXTCYC,SET=SKP. It is reflected on output from LJOB and LLOCK commands as if NXTCYC,SET=SKP was used. This parameter is invalid if the job has no schedule. SET=SKP has no impact on repeating jobs that are already in the CA Workload Automation SE queues.
Specifies normal triggering is disabled only for this run of the job.
Allows a job to bypass all load processing at job completion, but allows other processing to proceed normally.
Note: Data set triggering is still in effect.
(Optional) Defines the clock time after which the job should not be repeated. STOP is ignored if INTERVAL is not specified. If both COUNT and STOP are specified, the job stops repeating when either the COUNT reaches zero or the STOP time is reached, whichever comes first.
If the STOP time is less than the submit time, the stop date is assumed to be the following day.
Default: 1439 minutes (24 hours minus 1 minute) after the submit time
Limits: hh=1 to 2 numeric characters from 0 to 23
mm=2 numeric characters from 00 to 59
(Optional) Defines a submit time-of-day requirement for the job. If the format is used with a +, the submit time is calculated from the current time, adding the specified number of hours and minutes. If the + is used, the DATE keyword must be omitted.
Limits: + is optional
hh= 1 to 2 numeric characters from 0 to 23
mm= 2 numeric characters from 00 to 59
Required: No (unless DATE is used, if so, specify DOTM or TIME (hhmm format). Also required if TYPE=CLOCK is specified.
(Optional) TYPE=RES specifies the job is being scheduled in restart/rerun status.
TYPE=CLOCK, START, or END controls how the submit time requirement is calculated for repeating jobs.
When TYPE=RES the job is put into the request queue with a restart requirement and is not submitted until the CA Workload Automation SE restart is done. Output networks are scheduled, but input requirements checking is bypassed.
TYPE=CLOCK, START, or END is ignored if INTERVAL is not specified. With TYPE=CLOCK, the interval is added to the previous iteration's submit time requirement to determine the new submit time requirement. With TYPE=START and END the interval is added to the previous iteration's last (most recent) start and end time, respectively, to determine the new submit time requirement. TYPE is required if INTERVAL is specified.
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