The XWLB command, included in the workload balancing facility, makes temporary changes in selection parameters. You can view existing workload balancing values with the LWLB panel.
This command has the following format:
►►─ XWLB ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────►◄
The XWLB command has no keywords.
A formatted panel results from this command, displaying the current parameters. Changes can be made by positioning the cursor to the desired field. These changes are only temporary. They remain in effect until either another load module is called or they are changed again using this panel. Permanent changes to selection parameters require regeneration of the macros.
XWLB Panel (Defaults)
XWLB MOD: UCC7RDFL --CLASS BAR AND USE-- CL BAR USE CL BAR USE ----- INITIATORS ----- --------- TAPE DRIVES -------- A: 255 000 S: 255 000 TOT JOBS SUBMITTED 000 NAME: TAPEDR1 TAPEDR2 B: 255 000 T: 255 000 TOT JOBS ACTIVE... 000 CURR IN-USE...... 000 000 C: 255 000 U: 255 000 TOT INITS AVAL.... 010 TOTAL AVAILABLE.. 010 010 D: 255 000 V: 255 000 MIN JOBS MUST RUN. 255 MAX REWARD....... 020 020 E: 255 000 W: 255 000 MAX PENALTY...... 020 020 F: 255 000 X: 255 000 --------- CPU -------- MIN DIFF-TO-SCHED 000 000 G: 255 000 Y: 255 000 CURR %UTL/JOB 000.000 MAX DIFF-TO-SCHED 000 000 H: 255 000 Z: 255 000 IDEAL %UTL/JOB 008 MAX BOOST FOR DTS 000 000 I: 255 000 0: 255 000 MAX REWARD........ 020 MIN ALLOWABLE/JOB 000 000 J: 255 000 1: 255 000 MAX PENALTY....... 020 MAN ALLOWABLE/JOB 255 255 K: 255 000 2: 255 000 TOT MAX ALLOWABLE 012 012 L: 255 000 3: 255 000 ----- START TIME ----- M: 255 000 4: 255 000 MAX REWARD........ 020 ----- THRESHOLD PRIORITY ----- N: 255 000 5: 255 000 MAX PENALTY....... 020 DEFAULT THRESHOLD JOB PRTY 100 O: 255 000 6: 255 000 MAX LATE (HRS).... 012 SPECIAL CLASS #1 CL PRT P: 255 000 7: 255 000 MAX EARLY(HRS).... 012 SPECIAL CLASS #2 CL PRT Q: 255 000 8: 255 000 RUN TIME FACTOR... 010 SPECIAL CLASS #3 CL PRT R: 255 000 9: 255 000 PROGRAM: QM60 MSG-INDEX: 00 -- WB.X -- 09.003 / 16:26:14 MESSAGE: CHANGE VALUES OR ENTER A COMMAND ON THE TOP LINE
This panel contains the following fields:
Displays the load module (definition) name. If changes have been made after the module is loaded it displays a message, CHANGED SINCE LOADED, after the module name. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates that the lines following this contain information about the initiators. No input is allowed for this field.
Identifies the total jobs submitted to the CPU at that time. For information only and no input is allowed. Always the same as TOT JOBS ACTIVE.
Identifies the total jobs running on the CPU. For information only and no input is allowed. Always the same as TOT JOBS SUBMITTED.
Identifies the total initiators available for CA Workload Automation SE to submit jobs. This value corresponds to the TOTAV specification on the INITR macro. Value must be numeric and between 0 and 255. (See IDEAL %UTL/JOB.) A value of 255 indicates there is not a limit.
Identifies the minimum number of jobs that CA Workload Automation SE submits without checking the threshold priority. This value corresponds to the MNJOB specification on the INITR macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates that the lines following this contain information about CPU use. No input is allowed for this field.
Identifies the current percent of CPU use per job. For information only and no input is allowed.
Identifies the ideal percent of CPU use per job. Must be numeric and between 0 and 10. The product of this value and the value specified by TOT INITS AVAL must not be greater than 100. Corresponds to IDLUT specification on CPU macro.
Identifies the maximum reward for CPU use. Corresponds to MXREW on CPU macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the maximum penalty for CPU use. Corresponds to MXPEN on CPU macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the following lines contain information about the start time. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates the maximum reward for being late. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255. Corresponds to MXREW on STARTIME macro.
Indicates the maximum penalty for being early. Corresponds to MXPEN on STARTIME macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the number of hours the job has to be late to gain the maximum reward. Corresponds to MXLAT on STARTIME macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the number of hours the job has to be early to gain the maximum penalty. Corresponds to MXERL on STARTIME macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the value of the factor to be applied to the runtime of the job to determine whether the job is to be considered late or early. Corresponds to RUNTF on STARTIME macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 100.
Indicates the lines following this contain information about TYPE1 and TYPE2 of tape drives. The first value is for TYPE1 and the second for TYPE2. The input fields under this heading relate to the specifications for the TAPE1 and TAPE2 macros. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates the names of the two types of tape drives. Corresponds to NAME specification. Must be alphanumeric, up to 8 characters.
Indicates the number of tape drives in use. This is for information only and no input is allowed.
Indicates the actual number of tape drives available to CA Workload Automation SE controlled jobs. Corresponds to TOTAV. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the maximum reward for tape drive use. Corresponds to MXREW. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the maximum penalty for drive use. Corresponds to MXPEN. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the minimum number of tape drives considered difficult to schedule. Corresponds to MNDTS. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the maximum number of tape drives considered difficult to schedule. Corresponds to MXDTS. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the maximum boost (additional reward) for difficult to schedule number of tape drives. Corresponds to MXBST. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the minimum number of tape drives a job must have to be submitted. Corresponds to MNJAL. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the maximum number of tape drives a job can have to be submitted. Corresponds to MXJAL. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the number of tape drives CA Workload Automation SE is allowed to use for scheduling jobs. Corresponds to MXTAL. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates the lines following this contain information about the threshold job priority. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates the threshold job priority for all classes given below. Corresponds to JPTHR on INITR macro. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
Indicates that this line of the panel contains information about special class #1 and corresponds to the SPCLS1 macro specification. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates that this line of the panel contains information about special class #2 and corresponds to the SPCLS2 macro specification. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates that this line of the panel contains information about special class #3 and corresponds to the SPCLS3 macro specification. No input is allowed for this field.
Indicates the special class name. Must be a 1 character, alphanumeric value.
Indicates the threshold job priority for the special class. Must be numeric and between 0 and 255.
A title line. No input allowed for this field.
A title line. No input allowed for this field.
Indicates two values.
The first value indicates the number of jobs that can run simultaneously under class A. This value corresponds to the BARA specification for the CLBARR macro. This value can be changed on the panel. Value must be between 0 and 255. A value of 255 indicates there is not a limit.
The second value is the number of jobs currently running in this class. You cannot change this value.
Same as above except for classes B through 9.
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