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Verify that the Agent is Running

You can verify that the agent is running in one of the following ways, depending on your platform.

To verify that the agent is running on UNIX

  1. Enter netstat -a and look for UDP/161, UDP/1691, or SNMP.
  2. Enter ps -aux or ps -aef and look for sysedge.
  3. Run walktree or snmpget.
  4. Examine sysedge.log file for agent error messages.

To verify that the agent is running on Windows

  1. Select Start, Control Panel, CA SystemEDGE and view the status.
  2. Open the Windows Task Manager and select the Processes tab. Look for the process named sysedge.exe. If this process appears in the list, CA SystemEDGE is running.
  3. Select Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services, and look for CA SystemEDGE in the Services dialog.
  4. Run walktree or snmpget.
  5. Examine sysedge.log file for agent error messages.