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Manager Connection to the Server Fails


After I have added a server connection under Administration, Configuration, the validation of the connection to the server failed.


The following procedures address the most common issues which can cause a connection failure:

To update the server connection data:

  1. Click add (Add) or edit (Edit) that is associated with the failed connection.
  2. Add the connection details, enable Managed Status, and click OK.

    The connection data is updated.

  3. Click validate (Validate) in the upper-right corner to validate the new settings.

    If the connection to the server cannot be established, continue with the next procedure.

To verify if the server system is running and accessible:

  1. Open a command prompt on the CA Virtual Assurance manager system and run the following commands:
    nslookup <Server Name>
    ping <IP Address of Server>
  2. To find out whether the server has a valid DNS entry and IP address, verify the output of these commands.

    If the server is not in the DNS, add the server to the Windows hosts file on the CA Virtual Assurance manager system. Continue with Step 3.

    If the server is in the DNS, continue with Step 4.

  3. Open the hosts file in the %windir%\system32\drivers\etc directory with an ASCII editor and add the following line:
    ipaddress <Server Name>

    Enter the correct IP address and server name and save the file. For example: myServer
  4. Change to the CA Virtual Assurance user interface, Administration tab, Configuration, Server pane, and click validate (Validate) in the upper-right corner.

    If the server credentials and connection data are correct and you can ping the server, the connection can still fail. In this case, it is possible that the server causes the problem. If the connection to the server cannot be established, continue with the next procedure.

To verify, if all services that are required for the connection are running properly on the server system:

  1. To access the server, contact the system administrator.
  2. Log in to the server system.
  3. Verify, if all services that are required for the connection are running properly.
  4. If necessary, start or restart the service.
  5. Change to the CA Virtual Assurance user interface, server pane on the manager system and click validate (Validate) in the upper-right corner.

    CA Virtual Assurance validates the server connection.

    If the connection to the server fails, verify the validity of the data you gathered according to the requirements for this scenario.

    Work with the administrator or support to fix the server connection problem.