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ntregperf Keyword—Add Windows Registry and Performance MIB Objects

Use the ntregperf keyword to define the Windows registry and performance MIB objects in the file for the ntRegPerf group.

You can use the ntregperf keyword to add entries in the ntRegPerf group as follows:

Registry data:

ntregperf LeafNumber Type Registry 'Key' 'Value'

Performance data:

ntregperf LeafNumber Type Performance 'Object' 'Counter' 'PerfInstance'

Defines the ntRegPerf variable number, in the range of 1 through 128.


Specifies the SNMP type for this entry, which can be one of the following:


Selects a configuration registry entry.


Selects a configuration performance entry.


Specifies a quoted string, 0 to 512 characters in length, that specifies the registry key to be accessed.


Specifies a quoted string, 0 to 128 characters in length, that specifies the registry key' to be accessed.


Specifies a quoted string, 0 to 512 characters in length, that specifies the performance object to be accessed.


Specifies a quoted string, 0 to 128 characters in length, that specifies the object's performance counter value to be accessed.


Specifies the performance counter instance to be accessed, which should be equivalent to that listed in the Windows perfmon utility.