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monitorEntryNotReady Trap

The following shows the format of a monitorEntryNotReady trap, which the SystemEDGE agent sends to indicate that the monRowStatus field of a Self Monitor table entry is set to notReady(3). The agent only sends this trap if a monitor has a severity of none(1).

monitorEntryNotReadyEvent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { traps 3 }
monitorEntryNotReadyTrap TRAP-TYPE
VARIABLES { monDescr, monOID, monCurrVal, monValue, monRowStatus, monOperator, monIndex, monFlags, monObjClass, monObjInstance, monObjAttribute, monCurrState }
"The row status of a self monitor (see monitorTable) has become notReady(3), typically because the monitored OID does not exist."
::= 3