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Install CA Customize Utility

CA Customize utility enables CA Virtual Assurance to change the virtual machine settings externally. The guest utility monitors CD drive on the OS start. If a special ISO is connected, the following actions are executed:

  1. A set of commands customizes the guest.
  2. The guest system is marked as customized.
    The system cannot be modified again until someone resets this state.
  3. The system is halted to indicate that the customization succeeded.

To install correct ca-customize guest utility:

  1. Find this utility at:
  2. Transfer this executable file to the following location on a hard drive of the VM being prepared:
  3. (Optional) Provide your own version of ca-customize script to support other guest systems that we do not support.
  4. Enable executable bit of the ca-customize utility:
    chmod 755 /usr/bin/ca-customize