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Host Resources Storage Group

The Host Resources Storage group (hrStorageTable) lists the logical areas of storage allocated on the host system. These storage areas include file systems and disk partitions that might be seen by an application, instead of physical storage such as tapes and floppy drives.

This table is intended to be a useful diagnostic for out of memory and out of buffers types of failures. It can also be a useful performance monitoring tool for tracking memory, disk, or buffer usage. The following illustration shows sample output of the Host Resources Storage group:

Table: hrStorageTable   Path: Rows:5 Columns:7

Type                    Descr                     Units  Size       Used     Failures

hrStorageRam            Physical RAM              1      24801280   4567030  0
hrStorageVirtualMemory  Virtual Memory            1      103849984  0        0
hrStorageFixedDisk      Disk partition /dev/sd0a  1024   15487      11080    0
hrStorageFixedDisk      Disk partition /dev/sd0g  1024   160423     130421   0
hrStorageFixedDisk      Disk partition /dev/sd0h  1024   123911     29154    0