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Host Resources MIB Overview

The Host Resources MIB defines a set of objects that can manage host computers, which are independent of the operating system, network services, or any software application. The objects defined in the Host Resources MIB are common across many computer system architectures. The following illustration shows the overall organization of the Host Resources MIB:

   |               └──────────────hrStorageTable(3)──────hrStorageEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrDeviceTable(2)───────hrDeviceEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrProcessorTable(3)────hrProcessorEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrNetworkTable(4)──────hrNetworkEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrPrinterTable(5)──────hrPrinterEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrDiskStorageTable(6)──hrDiskStorageEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrPartitionTable(7)────hrPartitionEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrFSTable(8)───────────hrFSEntry(1)
   |                    └─────────hrFSTypes(9)

Note: The examples in this chapter do not describe the entire Host Resources MIB. For a description of the entire MIB, see the hostmib.asn1 file, which is included in the mib subdirectory of the agent installation.