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dpmrpt schedulereport Command--Schedule a Report

The dpmrpt schedulereport command lets you schedule a report.

This command has the following format:

dpmrpt deliver [-sc sc_url] -host_name hostname -port_number portnumber -cms_name cmsname -cms_port_number cmsportnumber -auth auth -bo_username bousername [-bo_password bopassword] -report_name reportname -encrypted {yes|no} [-start_time starttime] [-end_time endtime] [-server_group reportservice] [-system_name systemname] [-metric_name metricname] [-no_server_group numberofservices] [-no_system numberofsystems] [-pre] [-post]
-sc sc_url

(Optional) Defines the URL for the service controller host.

Example: https://hostname:port/...


Defines the fully qualified host where the service controller is installed.



Defines the listening port for the service controller server.

Example: 80

-host_name reportservername

Defines the name of the host report server.

-port number portnumber

Defines the communication port for the report server.

-report_name reportname

Defines a BusinessObjects report name.

-cms_port number cmsportnumber

Defines the communication port for the BusinessObjects CMS.

-auth {secEnterprise|secLDAP|secWinAD}

Defines a report server authentication protocol to use. There is no default, so you must specify a protocol. Options include the following:


Specifies secure enterprise authentication protocol.


Specifies secure LDAP authentication protocol.


Specifies secure Windows AD authentication protocol.

-bo_username user name

Defines a user name for BusinessObjects.

-bo_password password

(Optional) Defines a password for the user for BusinessObjects.

-report_name reportname

Defines a BusinessObjects report name.


Specifies whether the user name and password are encrypted.


Specifies that the user name and password are encrypted.


Specifies that the user name and password are not encrypted.

-start_time starttime

(Optional) Specifies the start time for the report.

Limits: milliseconds

-end_time endtime

(Optional) Specifies the end time for the report.

Limits: milliseconds

-server_group reportservice

(Optional) Defines the service for the report.

-system_name systemname

(Optional) Defines the name of the system (server) for the report.

-metric_name metricname

(Optional) Defines a name for the report metric.

-no_server_group numberservices

(Optional) Defines the number of services in the report.

-no_system numbersystems

(Optional) Defines the number of systems (servers) in the report.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event before the operation is performed.


(Optional) Specifies whether to generate an event after the operation is performed.

Example: Schedule a Report

This example schedules a BusinessObjects report to run at a specified time.

dpmrpt schedulereport -host_hostname dcamreporting -port_number 8081 -cms_name dcamreporting -cms_port_number 8081 -auth secEnterprise -bo_username Administrator -encrypted no -report_name -start_time 86400000 -end_time 86400000