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Change the Database Administrator (sa) Password

If you use Microsoft SQL Authentication and you change the password for the Microsoft SQL user (typically the ‘sa’ user), change the CA Virtual Assurance password also.

To change the database administrator (sa) password in Microsoft SQL Server

  1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and log in.
  2. In the Object Explorer expand Security, Logins.
  3. Open sa and change the password in the right pane.

Note: For further details, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.

To change the database administrator (sa) password in CA Virtual Assurance

  1. Navigate to Start, Programs, CA, CA Virtual Assurance, CA Virtual Assurance Command Prompt.

    The command prompt appears.

  2. Enter the following command:
    dpmutil -set -mgmtdb

    The dpmutil command prompts you for the appropriate credentials.

    Complete the command.

  3. If the performance database uses the same server and database user (sa), enter the following command:
    dpmutil -set -perfdb

    The dpmutil command prompts you for the appropriate credentials.

    Complete the command.

  4. Recycle the CAAIPApache  and CAIPTomcat services.

    The credentials are now consistent and CA Virtual Assurance works as expected.