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Run Manager Installation

All previously installed components are upgraded. Upgrading the previously installed components is mandatory and all existing configurations are maintained. You can also select new components that you want to install with the upgrade. Newly selected components can be configured during the installation.

Perform this procedure after you determine that all prerequisites have been met. If you decide to skip a component configuration during installation, configure this component after the installation using the Administration tab of the graphical user interface.

Note: For more information about configuration of components, see the Administration Guide.

Follow these steps:

  1. Insert the installation media into the DVD drive.

    If autorun is enabled, the installation wizard starts automatically. If the installation wizard does not start, double-click setup.hta or navigate to the DVDdrive:\Installers\Windows directory on the installation media and double-click install.exe.

    The Upgrade Detected dialog appears.

  2. Click Continue.

    The Introduction dialog appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The License Agreement dialog appears.

  4. Read and scroll to the bottom of the agreement until the I accept the terms of the License Agreement option becomes active. Select this option and click Next.

    The Choose Features To Install dialog appears. All the installed components are upgraded.

  5. (Optional) Select additional components you want to install and click Next.
  6. The Upgrade procedure requests you to provide credentials or other additional information for CA EEM, Network Discovery Gateway, and any additional components.

    The installation wizard finally displays the Installation Summary dialog, listing the components to install.

  7. Click Install to start the upgrade.

    If the installation is successful, the installation program creates log files for each installed component in the following directory:


    The Installation Complete dialog appears.

  8. Read the information provided in the dialog before you quit the installer.
  9. Navigate to Start, Programs, CA, CA Virtual Assurance, Launch CA Virtual Assurance and log in the user interface.
  10. If the upgrade is not successful, see the installation log (Install_Path\log\install\install.log) and the error list (Install_Path\log\install\install_error_detected.log) for details.

    The Installation Complete with Errors dialog appears. Contact CA Support to resolve issues with upgrade failure.