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Communication Ports

CA Virtual Assurance requires that multiple ports are open to function properly. If a distributed installation ranges across firewalls, you can use this list to verify that the required communication ports are open.

Active Directory and Exchange Server (ADES)

PowerShell Ports: 80, 443, 5985, and 5986

ADSI Ports: 3268, 389

Apache Server

HTTPS Port: 443

CA EEM Server

iGateway Port: 5250


UDP Port: 161 (SNMP Get/Set Requests); alternative port: 1691

UDP Trap Port: 162 (Outbound)

SystemEDGE in Managed Mode uses CAM:

CAM UDP Port: 4104

CAM TCP Port: 4105

CA Systems Performance LiteAgent

CAM UDP Port: 4104

CAM TCP Port: 4105

Cisco UCS

HTTP Port: 80

HTTPS Port: 443

Citrix XenDesktop

WinRM Port: 5985, 5986

SNMP Port: 161

WMI Port: 135

Citrix XenServer

HTTPS Port: 443

SNMP Port: 161

Huawei GalaX

HTTP Port: 8773

Hyper-V and SCVMM

WMI Port: 135


Secure Shell TCP Port: 22


Secure Shell TCP Port: 22

Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVM)

REST API Port: 8443

Key Performance Database (KPDB)

Default HTTP Port: 8555

Microsoft SQL Server

Management DB TCP Port: 1433

Performance DB TCP Port: 1433


Windows RPC Endpoint Mapper Port: 135

DCOM/WMI Port: dynamically assigned during RPC Endpoint negotiation

For more information, see The default dynamic port range for TCP/IP.

Oracle Solaris Zones

Secure Shell TCP Port: 22

Policy Configuration

CAM UDP Port: 4104 (Inbound/Outbound)

CAM TCP Port: 4105 (Inbound)

Remote Deployment (Windows)

CIFS UDP Port: 137 (Inbound/Outbound)

CIFS UDP Port: 138 (Inbound/Outbound)

TCP Port: 135 (Inbound)

CIFS TCP Port: 139 (Inbound/Outbound)

CIFS TCP Port: 445 (Inbound/Outbound)

CAM UDP Port: 4104 (Inbound/Outbound)

CAM TCP Port: 4105 (Configurable)

Remote Deployment (UNIX, Linux)

CAM UDP Port: 4104 (Inbound/Outbound)

Secure Shell TCP Port: 22 (Inbound)

TCP Port: 135 (Inbound)

CAM TCP Port: 4105 (Configurable)

Remote Monitoring AIM

Windows RPC Endpoint Mapper Port: 135

DCOM/WMI Port: dynamically assigned during RPC Endpoint negotiation

For more information, see The default dynamic port range for TCP/IP.

SNMP Stack

UDP Ports: 161, 1691, 162 (Trap, Inbound)

Support Agent

Default HTTP Port: 8556

Tomcat (User Interface)

HTTPS Port: 8443

Shutdown Port: 8005

VMware vCenter

HTTPS Port: 443

VMware vCloud

REST API Port: 8443