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Monitor File Systems

This example monitors file systems on Windows and consists of three groups of entries for the file:

Note: The prefix //./ which is added to the object instance per default (denoting localhost) is omitted in the example.

# Derives a state for file system C: (System).
# Creates an aggregate ‘FSys’ ‘System’ ‘PercentUsed’, which can be in state ok, minor, major, or fatal.

monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 51 0x0 120 absolute > 90 'Description' '' 'FSys' 'System' 'PercentUsed' minor
monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 52 0x0 120 absolute > 95 'Description' '' 'FSys' 'System' 'PercentUsed' major
monitor devTableEntry 'C:' devCapacity 53 0x0 120 absolute > 99 'Description' '' 'FSys' 'System' 'PercentUsed' fatal

# Derives warning state if three conditions are met simultaneously, that is, only if all three Backup file systems E:, F:, and G: are above 95%.
# Creates an aggregate ‘FSys’ ‘Backup’ ‘PercentUsed’, which can be in state ok or warning.

monitor devTableEntry 'E:' devCapacity 54 0x800 120 absolute > 95 'Description' '' 'FSys' 'Backup' 'PercentUsed' warning
monitor devTableEntry 'F:' devCapacity 55 0x800 120 absolute > 95 'Description' '' 'FSys' 'Backup' 'PercentUsed' warning
monitor devTableEntry 'G:' devCapacity 56 0x800 120 absolute > 95 'Description' '' 'FSys' 'Backup' 'PercentUsed' warning

# Derives worst state of all file systems.
# Creates a super aggregate ‘FSys’ ‘*’ ‘PercentUsed’, which can be in state ok, warning, minor, major, or fatal.

aggregate_level 0x0002