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Monitor the Windows Task Scheduler

This example monitors the Task Scheduler for failed or excessive tasks on Windows. It consists of a set of entries for the file and an associated schedlgu.cmd script. The schedlgu.cmd script counts *.job files, analyzes the *.txt files in the %SystemRoot%\Tasks directory, and writes the results into the %CASYSEDGE_DATA%\schedlgu.log file. SystemEDGE launches the script and monitors the schedlgu.log file to evaluate the current status.

Copy the schedlgu.cmd script into the %CASYSEDGE%\bin directory or add it to a configuration deployment package that delivers it to the %CASYSEDGE%\bin\managedscripts directory.

Entries for

# Windows sample configuration for monitoring the Task Scheduler for failed or excessive tasks
extension 55 integer readonly 'schedlgu.cmd %CASYSEDGE_DATA%\schedlgu.log'
watch logfile 55 0x0 '%CASYSEDGE_DATA%\schedlgu.log' 'The task completed with an exit code of [(][0]*[^0].*[)]' 'Windows Task Scheduler Job Execution Errors' '' 10 warning
watch logfile 56 0x0 '%CASYSEDGE_DATA%\schedlgu.log' 'WARNING' 'Windows Task Scheduler Warnings' '' 10 major
watch logfile 57 0x0 '%CASYSEDGE_DATA%\schedlgu.log' 'ERROR' 'Windows Task Scheduler Errors' '' 10 critical
monitor oid extensionGroup.55.0 55 0x100 600 absolute > 15  'Number of Scheduled Tasks > 15'  '' 'SysHealth' 'Scheduled Tasks' 'Count' 'minor'

Extension script schedlgu.cmd

@echo off

REM SystemEDGE extension script for monitoring Windows Task Scheduler


set SLOG=.\schedlgu.log
if "%1" NEQ "" set SLOG=%1

set SDIR=%SystemRoot%\Tasks

set SREC=
set DONE=N

REM Logical records in the Task Scheduler log file span multiple lines.
REM Convert into single line format (as %SLOG%) for monitoring via SystemEDGE.
if exist %SLOG% del %SLOG%
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('type "%SDIR%\schedlgu.txt"') do set LINE=%%i&call :parseline

REM Return number of configured tasks
set COUNT=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b "%SDIR%\*.job"') do call :countline
echo %COUNT%


goto :EOF

set /a COUNT+=1
goto :EOF

REM Replace double quotes with pound sign
set LINE=%LINE:"=#%
REM Check if we have already processed the most recent record in the log
if "%DONE%" EQU "Y" goto :EOF
REM Check for start of next logical record
if "%LINE:~0,1%" EQU "#" goto :startrecord
if "%LINE%" EQU "[ ***** Most recent entry is above this line ***** ]" set DONE=Y&goto :startrecord
REM Concatenate lines for current record
goto :EOF

if "%SREC%"=="" goto :initrecord
REM Restore double quotes
set SREC=%SREC:#="%
REM Write current record
@echo %SREC%>>"%SLOG%"
