Use one of the following methods to stop CA DRAS:
When the CA DRAS task is shut down you receive the following messages:
++ Command ++ STOP
CAHFMTK016I DRAS is terminating…
CAHFMTK003I CCI communication terminated
To help you verify that CA DRAS is properly installed, we provide an installation verification program. To execute this program, customize and run JCL member BY3HIVP in CBY3OPTN. Provide your SERVER ID as a parameter to the program.
The program CAHFIVP attempts to connect to the DRAS server and, if successful, reads from the CA DRAS catalog. CAHFIVP logs its actions to SYSPRINT. You can scan the output for non-zero return codes.
For example:
//BY3HIVP JOB ... //********************************************************************* //* * //* CA DRAS Installation Verification Program * //* * //* Run this job to verify that CA-DRAS is installed properly and * //* that it has a connection to CAICCI. * //* * //* CHANGE: **CAI** TO DRAS PRODUCT LIBRARIES DATA SET PREFIX. * //* * //* * //********************************************************************* //STEP1 EXEC PGM=CAHFIVP,PARM=server-id //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CAI.CBY3LOAD //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //CEEDUMP DD SYSOUT=*
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