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CA DRAS Terminology

Client Applications or Clients

These terms apply to the CA viewing solutions that work with CA DRAS and your z/OS-based mainframe repositories to provide the cooperative viewing process. Cooperative Viewing is currently available with CA Output Management Web Viewer.

Cooperative Processing/Cooperative Viewing

The ability to view or print a z/OS-based report from a Windows application or web browser.

DRAS – Distributed Repository Access System

A distributed relational database server that provides access to data in a large variety of formats residing on different media.

CA DRAS provides a uniform, consistent view of data throughout the enterprise by treating all the data as relational tables, regardless of the original format or storage medium.

Mainframe Repository

The CA Output Management solutions that are used to process, store, and manage your mainframe reports. Cooperative Viewing is currently available from the following repositories:

Repository Agent or Agents

Agent code is supplied for each z/OS‑based repository. This code allows the specific repositories to process common requests that are received from CA DRAS. When the Client makes a request through CA DRAS, the Agent sends that request into the repository and passes back its response.