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Report Service Considerations

The report service controls custom ODBC connection configuration, the administration of automatically delivered reports, and Action Alert and report retention.

To create an external ODBC connection:

  1. Click Add Connection.
  2. Enter the required connection information.

    Note: If you select Oracle from the ODBC Driver drop-down list, a schema field appears, allowing you to enter individual schema objects. Enter at least one schema.

  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Test Connection to validate the information you entered.

    A confirmation message appears. The connections you create appear in the connection list of the query design wizard.

You can set the total Actions Alerts retained, and number of days they are retained in the Alert Retention area:

Maximum Action Alerts

Defines the maximum number of action alerts the reporting server retains for review.

Minimum: 50

Maximum: 1000

Action Alerts Retention

Defines the number of days action alerts are retained, up to the maximum number.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 30

You can control the company name and logo, header and footer content and color, fonts, and other PDF reports settings in the Report Configurations area: