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Set Summarization Thresholds

To create or edit a summarization rule, enter general information, and set summarization thresholds. Thresholds are either a number of events, a frequency of occurrence, or a combination of the two, that trigger the creation of a summarized event.

To set summarization thresholds

  1. Open the summarization wizard.
  2. Enter a name for the new rule. You can also enter optional description information for reference.
  3. Define the combination by specifying the number of native events and elapsed time that your rule uses to create a single refined event, using the Event Summarization menus:
    Enable Event Count Threshold

    Controls whether or not the rule uses an event threshold. The event threshold must be greater than one. Selecting this box sets a maximum events value. If this box is cleared, and the event timeout period is enabled, only the time period is considered in summarizing events. If both are enabled, a summarized event is created at every specified time period, as long as at least one qualified raw event occurs.

    Maximum Events

    Defines the number of native events that trigger a summarized event. When the number of native events you specify occurs, a summarized event is created.

    Minimum: 2

    Maximum: 5000

    Enable Event Timeout Period

    Controls whether or not the rule uses a time period threshold. Selecting this box sets a time period value. If this box is cleared, a summarized event occurs only when the event count threshold is reached.

    Time Period

    Defines the time, in seconds, that elapses to trigger a summarized event, if any events of the specified type have occurred. When this threshold is reached, a summarized event is created, as long as at least one qualified native event has occurred. You can set the Time Period to zero, which will result in a summarized event only when the maximum events threshold is reached.

    Minimum: 0

    Maximum: 86400

    For example, in the case of a rule summarizing failed login attempts, selecting 3 in the Maximum Events menu and 10 in the Time Period menu results in a summarized event after three failed login attempts, or every 10 seconds as long as at least 1 failed login occurs.

  4. Click the appropriate arrow to advance to the wizard step you want to complete next, or click Save and Close.

    If you click Save and Close, the new rule appears in the list, otherwise the step you choose appears.

More information:

Configure a Summarization Display