You can set conditions that allow you to control the query display and conditions that search for events based on how they are grouped. If you are setting conditions for a custom ODBC query, only the Row Limit and No Limit options are available.
To set display and group conditions
This value is only available for Action Alerts and Report Scheduling. It sets the alert or report job to use the row limit of the individual queries in the job. If you select any other results value when creating a job, CA User Activity Reporting Module overrides the row limits in the component queries.
Sets the maximum number of event rows that the query displays, starting with the most recent events.
Sets the query to retrieve all events that match its filter. This can include many events, so plan the query accordingly.
Indicates the presence of other results that are not displayed due to the row limit. This value allows you to compare the selected events in the context of all events of that type. For example, if you choose a row limit of 10 for your event viewer display and select show other, events beyond 10 are displayed as a single entry titled Other, showing all remaining events. This setting is only effective when row limit is selected.
Sets the detail level of the time period field used in the query display.
The group conditions use the same time statement system as the time range fields.
If you click Save and Close the new query appears in the Query List, otherwise the Query Design step you choose appears.
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