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Configure Global Query Settings

Using the Global Filter dialog, you can set application-wide conditions that apply to all reports and queries in your environment. Global settings apply throughout the current session unless you set them as a default.

To configure global query settings

  1. Click the Global Filters button at the top of the main window.

    The Global Filters and Settings dialog appears, displaying the Quick Filters tab.

  2. Click the Settings tab

    The tab opens, displaying the following values.

    Local Time Zone

    Controls the time zone for all date/time fields in reports and queries. Your reports and queries adopt the time zone you select from the drop-down list rather than using the CA User Activity Reporting Module server time zone.

    Execute queries on federated data

    Allows the query to be applied to all available federated servers. This setting is enabled by default. Disabling this setting confines queries to only the event data stored in the local event log store. This improves query speed when all the target events are stored locally.

    Note: The federated data setting does not apply to external ODBC queries.

    Enable auto refresh for queries

    Allows the display to refresh automatically at the set interval for each query.

  3. (Optional) Select Set as Default at the bottom of the dialog to preserve the settings as defaults that are retained after the current session.
  4. Make any changes you want, and click Save.

    The Global Filters and Settings dialog closes, and the new filter is applied.