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Add a Drill Down Report

You can add one or more drill down reports to your query. Drill down reports let users click a query display element and display another related report.

To add a drill down report

  1. Open the query design wizard.
  2. Enter the name and tag, if not already specified, and then advance to the Drill Down step.
  3. Click Add Drilldown.
  4. Enter the name or browse for the report you want to make available as a drill down item.
  5. Select one or more available parameters on which to focus the drill down report and move them to the Selected Parameters list. The drill down reports use the selected parameters to preserve your query focus.
  6. Click the appropriate arrow to advance to the Query Design step you want to complete next, or click Save and Close.

    If you click Save and Close the new query appears in the Query List, otherwise the Query Design step you choose appears.