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Queries and Reports in a Federated Environment

A single CA User Activity Reporting Module server returns data from its internal event database to respond to queries and populate reports. If you have a federation of CA User Activity Reporting Module servers, you can control how queries and reports return event information in the way you configure your federation relationships. You can also maintain query results from single servers by disabling the Use Federated Queries global setting.

By default the global setting, Use Federated Queries, is enabled. This causes queries from a parent CA User Activity Reporting Module server to be sent to all child CA User Activity Reporting Module servers. Each child CA User Activity Reporting Module server queries the active event log store and the archive catalog as well as querying all of its child CA User Activity Reporting Module servers. Each child CA User Activity Reporting Module server then creates a single results set to send to the requesting parent CA User Activity Reporting Module server. Protection against circular queries is built into CA User Activity Reporting Module to enable meshed configurations.

A typical enterprise CA User Activity Reporting Module implementation has from one to five servers. A large enterprise implementation may have ten or more servers. The way you configure your federation controls how much information is visible to the CA User Activity Reporting Module server that issues the query. The simplest query type comes from the primary CA User Activity Reporting Module server and returns information from all of the child servers configured under it.

When you query the federation from a child server, the results you see depend on how you have your federation configured. In a hierarchical federation, all of the servers that are configured as children under one server return query results to it. In a meshed federation, all of the interconnected servers return data to the server that issues the query.

More information:

Example: Set Up Federation and Federated Reports