Configure the user store as a reference to an LDAP directory when global user details are stored in Microsoft Active Directory, Sun One, or Novell Directory.
Note: Application details are stored in the default repository. Referencing an external user store does not update that user store.
To reference an LDAP directory as the user store
If you log in as the EiamAdmin user, this tab displays automatically.
The CA EEM Server configuration for User Store appears.
Fields for the LDAP configuration appear.
Consider the following example for binding to Active Directory objects, with the following binding string:
Set objUser = Get Object ("LDAP://cn=Bob, cn=Users, ou=Sales, dc=MyDomain, dc=com"), where cn is the Common Name, ou is the Organizational Unit, and dc is composed of two Domain Components that make up the full DNS name. For User DN, you would enter:
Saving this reference loads user account information into CA EEM. This makes it possible for you to access these user records as global users and then add application-level details such as application user group, the name for user role.
If the status displays a warning, click Refresh status. If the status displays an error, correct the configuration, click Save, and repeat this step.
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