If the predefined application user groups, Administrator, Analyst, and Auditor, are insufficient for your needs, you can create custom roles with new application user groups. For example, to assign a small group of individuals to manage user accounts, where these individuals have no access to unrelated functionality in the CA User Activity Reporting Module, you could define a UserAccountAdministrator role, create a scoping policy for that role, add that role to the CALM Application Access Policy, and assign that role to the users who are to manage user accounts.
User planning for CA User Activity Reporting Module involves the following steps:
If you are considering creating custom roles with associated access policies, consider the following approach:
You can also consider the following alternatives to user-defined roles (application groups):
This approach may be useful if policies are created for the purpose of restricting access by geographical location and you want the same users to have the same level of rights on multiple CA products. For example, a global group for Location-A_Admin could be assigned to users that were to administer several CA products at Location-A. Policies for each CA product could be created that grant administrative rights to the servers on which that product was installed in Location-A.
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