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Select Use of Federated Queries

You can select whether you want to execute queries on federated data. If you plan to use more than one CA User Activity Reporting Module server in a federated network, you may want to select the Use Federated Queries check box. This option enables you to gather event data for reporting from all of the CA User Activity Reporting Module servers that are federated to (acting as children of) this CA User Activity Reporting Module server.

You may also choose to turn off federated queries for a specific query, if you want to see data from only the current CA User Activity Reporting Module server.

To set use of federated queries

  1. Log into the CA User Activity Reporting Module server.
  2. Click the Show/Edit Global Filters button.

    The button is located to the right of the current CA User Activity Reporting Module server name and just above the main tabs.

  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Choose whether you want to use federated queries.

    If you do turn off the select federated queries option, reports that you view will not contain event data from any servers that you have configured as children of this server.

More information:

Configuring a CA User Activity Reporting Module Federation

Configure a CA User Activity Reporting Module Server as a Child Server