Previous Topic: Move Archived Databases to an Archive DirectoryNext Topic: Verify Restoration

Restore Manually Archived Files

After you have restored one or more databases from long-term storage to the archive directory, you must change ownership of the archive directory to the caelmservice user before notifying CA User Activity Reporting Module that the databases have been restored with the LMArchive utility. Archived files owned by root are not recognized by the LMArchive utility.

Running LMArchive with the -notify rest option changes the state of the archived database files from cold to defrosted so that they are available for querying and reporting.

Administrators configure the number of hours a defrosted archived database is retained before being automatically deleted from the archived directory with the Export Policy setting on the Event Log Store service configuration.

To restore manually archived database files

  1. Use your caelmadmin credentials to log on to the CA User Activity Reporting Module server with the event log store that contains the restored databases.
  2. At the command prompt, switch users to root, that is:
    su - root
  3. Change directories to the /data directory. For example:
    cd /opt/CA/LogManager/data
  4. Assign ownership of the archive directory (/opt/CA/LogManager/data/archive) to the caelmservice account.
    chown -R caelmservice:caelmservice archive

    Ownership of the archive files is changed to caelmservice, the internal operating system user, which is a non-login account.

  5. Change directories to /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology with the following shortcut:
    cd $IGW_LOC
  6. Execute the following command, where username and pwd are the credentials of a CA User Activity Reporting Module user account with the Administrator role.
    LMArchive -euser username -epassword pwd -notify rest -files file1,file2,file3

    A restoration confirmation appears. CA User Activity Reporting Module defrosts the specified files. Defrosted files are retained for the configured number of hours, where you can configure retention for up to seven days.

Note: You can now run queries and reports against the event data contained in the restored archive files.

Example: Notify CA User Activity Reporting Module that Certain Databases Have Been Restored

The following command issued by a CA User Activity Reporting Module user with an Administrator role notifies the CA User Activity Reporting Module event log store that the specified cold database, calm04_20091206192014.db, has been copied into the archive directory.

LMArchive -euser Administrator1 -epassword calmr12 -notify rest ‑files calm04_20091206192014.db.cerod

A restoration confirmation appears in a format similar to the following:

Restore notification sent for file calm04_20091206192014.db.cerod

More information:

LMArchiveā€“Backup/Restore Tracking