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Meshed Federation Example

Consider the following illustration of a fully meshed federation:

This graphic shows two reporting Log Manager servers linked to four collection Log Manager servers in a ring or star network formation.

In the meshed federation shown in this diagram, four collection servers are federated to each other and to both reporting servers. Every server is both a parent and a child to every other server in the federation.

A potential benefit of this deployment over the strict hierarchical federation is that you can access the data from any point within the mesh, and get results from all other CA User Activity Reporting Module servers in that mesh, without regard to a hierarchy.

You can combine meshed and hierarchical federations to make any configuration that suits your needs. For example, a meshed configuration within a single branch could be very useful for global deployments. You could obtain a global overview of data from the parent reporting servers, while maintaining regional clusters (branches) that have access only to their own data.

More information:

Configure a CA User Activity Reporting Module Server as a Child Server