You can update servers on demand using the Update Now function. When you update two or more servers in a series, be sure to verify that processing completes on one before beginning processing on the next. Review self-monitoring events for confirmation.
If you recently changed any subscription configurations, be sure to wait for the update interval (300 seconds by default) to elapse before running an on-demand update. CA User Activity Reporting Module generates a self-monitoring event after the update completes.
Note: If a scheduled update is currently in progress, clicking Update Now has no effect. If the start time for a scheduled update occurs while update now processing is in progress, the scheduled process does not run. When the on-demand processing completes, the scheduled update cycle resumes.
Important! If the modules to download contain Content updates, update the content proxy before performing any other on-demand update.
To update a server on demand
The server retrieves updates from the CA Technologies Subscription Server. As proxy for content updates, it pushes content updates to the content repository. As an online proxy, it downloads binary updates as well.
The server is updated with the modules selected for download.
The server is updated with the modules selected for download.
The server is updated with the modules selected for download.
The server is updated with all modules installed to its offline proxy.
Note: Offline subscription clients automatically receive all modules that are manually installed on their offline proxy. Modules selected at the local level for an offline client have no effect.
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