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Maintaining Agents

Maintenance tasks for CA User Activity Reporting Module agents include the following:

Note: For maintenance tasks such as applying subscription updates to agents and connectors, creating agent groups, and starting or stopping agents, see online help.

Troubleshooting Agent Installation

Occasionally, process binding does not take place as expected. Use the following procedure to diagnose this error and take corrective action.

To diagnose and correct a bind failure

  1. Log on to the AIX host as root.
  2. Change directories to the agent root directory, /opt/CA/ELMAgent.
  3. Type the following command:
    ps - eaf|grep caelm
  4. Examine the displayed results.
  5. If you determine that the agent start was unsuccessful, do the following:
    1. To kill the caelmdispatcher, enter kill -9 <caelmdispatcher process ID>, for example:
      kill -9 28300
    2. Change directories to /opt/CA/ELMAgent/bin.
    3. Start the CA User Activity Reporting Module agent service.
      /S99elmagent start

      The message "CA ELM Agent Started Successfully" appears.

Note: View the agent status details again and verify that the agent is Running.