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Configure CA Spectrum to Accept SNMP v3 Traps

Before you can send SNMP V3 traps from CA User Activity Reporting Module to CA Spectrum, you must create a model of the CA User Activity Reporting Module appliance in CA Spectrum. SNMP v3 traps are then directed to the CA User Activity Reporting Module node that you modeled.

To create a model that enables Spectrum to receive SNMP v3 traps from action alerts

  1. Log on to the Windows server where CA Spectrum is installed.
  2. Access the Spectrum OneClick console:
    1. From the Start menu, click All Programs, CA, SPECTRUM Control Panel.

      The SPECTRUM Control Panel appears with a Status indicator at the bottom of the screen.

    2. If Status does not display RUNNING, click Start SpectroSERVER under Process Control.
    3. When Status displays RUNNING, click OneClick Administration.

      OneClick Administration - SPECTRUM Control Panel appears with Host as localhost and Port as 80.

    4. Click OK

      A login dialog appears.

    5. Provide your credentials.

      The SPECTRUM NFM OneClick page appears.

    6. Click Start Console.

      The Login - SPECTRUM OneClick login dialog appears to connect you to SPECTRUM OneClick on local host.

    7. Click OK

      The Console - SPECTRUM OneClick appears with a Navigation pane, a Contents pane, and a Component Detail pane.

  3. On the Explorer tab in the Navigation pane, expand the top-level node and select Universe.

    The Contents and Component Detail pane titles display Universe of type Universe.

  4. On the Contents pane, click the Topology tab.

    The second button on the tab lets you create a new model by type and add it to this view.

  5. Click Create a new model.

    The Select Model Type - SPECTRUM OneClick dialog appears.

  6. Click the All Model Types tab
  7. Type a string in the Filter field. For example, type gn.

    Model types beginning with Gn appear in the list.

  8. Select the desired model type and click OK. For example, select GnSNMPDev and click OK.

    The Create Model of Type <selected model type> opens.

  9. Complete the Create Model of Type dialog as follows:
    1. Enter the host name of a CA User Activity Reporting Module server in the Name field.
    2. Enter the IP address of the same server in the Network Address field.
    3. Enter a port in the Agent Port field, if the default 161 is not what you want. For example, enter 162.
    4. Select SNMP v3 as the SNMP Communication option.
    5. Click Profiles.

    The Edit SNMP v3 Profiles window appears with a list of existing profiles, if any.

  10. To add a profile, follow these steps:
    1. Type the profile name and type the User ID.
    2. Since this is for SNMP v3, select Authentication with Privacy as the authentication type.
    3. In the next four fields, type an 8-character authentication password twice and type an 8-character privacy password twice.
    4. Click Add to add the profile to the list.
    5. Click OK.

    The profile you added appears first in the V3 Profile drop-down list on the Create Model of Type dialog.

  11. Select Discover Connections and click OK.

    The Creating Model progress indicator appears. When processing completes, the created model appears on the Topology tab as a graphic with the host name that you entered and the model type you selected.